
1. Cutting Up The Economist
Clive's 2014 collage poetry pamphlet interrogating 5 years of the post financial crisis world through the lens of The Economist newspaper. Sized to match the Economist. 36pages.
2. Palimpsest explores a near future where mundane meets magical, truth blurs into fiction and digital and analogue collide. These are poems that are made rather than written in the conventional sense. Poems that are built from scraps of text appropriated from magazines, junk mail, ephemera; erased, redacted, cut up and overwritten with original lines to create palimpsests. The title is thus both a creative technique revealed in the visible lines of construction and an eponymous anti-superhero in whose steps we follow as she emerges from a collage of fractured narratives and cinematic dispatches from a dark and murderous hinterland.
3. HashtagPoetry# (visual poetry 2016)
In HashtagPoetry# Clive explores the hidden poetry of Twitter. Taking screen grabs of random collations of three or four tweets on an iPhone screen redacted and erased them using photo editing apps before applying his distinctive patterns of coloured dots inspired by the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. The resulting poem-fragments were originally posted to Instagram. The selection collated here were made throughout 2015 and early 2016 in the run up to a residency at the 2016 StAnza International Poetry Festival. Enigmatic and entertaining HashtagPoetry# is a body of micro-poems that have a distinctive visual feel, have a vein of black humour and feature the occasional zombie or cake eating killer goat.